Wednesday 24 January 2018

Welcome to teaching in NIS Kazakhstan !!!

Welcome to teaching in NIS Kazakhstan !!!
Recently landed a job at an NIS school in Kazakhstan ?? You are in for the experience of a lifetime !! Read on !!

Myself at the NIS Biology and Chemistry, Shymkent, South Kazakhstan

I started teaching in 1985, and now have 34 years experience teaching Biology and Science up to and including A level. From 2015 until 2017 I taught in Kazakhstan. Based upon my personal experiences at NIS Shymkent, Biology and Chemistry, with the Principal/Director being Mr Balkan Kassimov, Vice Principal Dinara Akhmetova and the International Vice-Principal being firstly Richard Evans and then Jennifer MacKenzie (married named Wemyss), the SUBSTANTIAL good points are as follows :

1. Your monthly pay will be between $ 4,000 and $ 5,000 per month, depending on your location in Kazakhstan. In Shymkent it is $5,000 per month. This is many times more than the Principal/Director of the school, Balkan Kassimov. Hence the jealousy. 

2. You will have an apartment with all bills paid, including heating, electricity, WIFI and satellite TV. It may be old Soviet style or more modern but it will be comfortable. However, landlords regularly fail to pay Internet bills. Immediate cut off is common. Some international colleagues had this problem every month, meaning that they could not contact family for a few days at the beginning of every month.

3. I lived and worked in the southern city of Shymkent where I saved 95 % of my salary of  $5,000 per month. I ate out at restaurants at least 4 times per week.You will have great shops and supermarkets. You can buy everything and anything. It is  much more expensive to live in the capital city Astana aka Nur-Sultan.

4. You will teach the best pupils BY FAR you will ever meet in your professional career, ANYWHERE in the World. They are incredibly dedicated, talented and motivated. Kazakhstan is in safe hands with these young people coming through to replace the retrograde, negative  mindset of the school management.

5. The Kazakh teaching colleagues you work with will be the most dedicated, hard working and professionally qualified people you will meet anywhere in the World. They are severely  undervalued and maltreated by school management. 

6. If you make a genuine effort to embrace Kazakh culture, customs and people, you will be welcomed with open arms, and you will make friends for life. This is much more rewarding than the false friendships, inflated egos, vacuous personalities and alcoholic artisans that permeate the ex-pat circles. For some,  work interferes with their daily drinking schedule.

7. Your flights to and from home will be re-imbursed....eventually and USUALLY. BUT not always. Be prepared to meet idiotic administrative requests, based on nothing but triviality, jealousy  and the wielding of power.  Why ? Because they can....

The MASSIVE bad points are :

1. The school  Director, Balkan Kassimov, REPEATEDLY publicly harangued International Teachers, in weekly full staff meetings, in the presence of all their KZ teaching colleagues, about the 'huge' wages paid to us, asking why, and what value we Internationals were to the school. Balkan Kassimov did this, repeatedly, in any language but English. What a guy ! This was a weekly public display of ignorance of monumental proportions, and an entirely accurate reflection of everyday KZ management that Internationals can expect to meet in NIS schools. It was also a very, very poor reflection upon the good people of Kazakhstan. Here he is .....

Balkan Kassimov- Director/Principal (Current)

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2. To be re-imbursed flight monies that you have paid out of your own pocket, you will be treated like a criminal, thief and liar. It is a game the school management play simply because they can.  When you leave your posting, they will 'lose' your flights paperwork, AFTER you return to your home country. They will demand that you replace it. You will not get reimbursed otherwise.  This happened to all four International teachers when we left this NIS Shymkent school in June 2017. The International Vice-Principal, Jennifer Mackenzie (now Wemyss), and Vice Principal Dinara Akhmetova were responsible for this paperwork. 

It was only AFTER I wrote this review of my NIS school, and emailed it to NIS HQ in Astana, and to International and National Newspapers around the World, that these buffoons were ordered to pay me my money by NIS Head Office in Astana. Jennifer Mackenzie, Balkan Kassimov and Dinara Akhmetova  had previously sent me a jointly signed letter saying, 'bugger off'.

Dinara Akhmetova- Vice Principal (Current)

Jennifer Mackenzie/Wemyss (Current International Vice Principal)

3. The management/administration (especially Director Balkan Kassimov and Vice Principal Dinara Akhmetova) is the most power crazy, crack-pot, corrosive, inept, damaging, incompetent and counter-productive you will meet in any educational establishment globally. They are intoxicated with power. Their management style is utterly immersed in the repressive totalitarian past. Their 'modus operandi' stymies and crushes individual talent, creativity and enthusiasm in the brilliantly professional and dedicated Kazakh teachers.  Such management behaviour is a negative and titanic stumbling block to the fine aspirations of these NIS schools.

Managers with such a mindset are a very poor reflection upon what modern Kazakhstan  is striving to achieve.  Certain other countries would be ideally suited for the management style of these people. 

4. You will earn every penny, teaching pupils from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm (and later) five days per week. There will be pressure put upon you to come in to teach at weekends, outside contractual hours, and without pay. 

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5. The best NIS assets - the wonderfully talented and qualified Kazakh teachers - are queueing up to leave. They are driven to the exit door by a myopic, regressive and manically punitive management - a management who are simply much too inexperienced, and utterly devoid of the basic management skills, vision and talent needed in a cohesive, modern, collegiate educational establishment.
Image result for people running away
6. You will receive minimal backup from your International Vice Principal at the school. You are on your own.  Where they find their next alcoholic drink is their number one priority. Every day.

7. Get used to crackpot change, almost every day. Classes will appear, disappear and reappear daily. You will be asked to design courses that will never be run. You will NOT have a teaching timetable at the beginning of the term. It often changes daily, when you do get it. We had a timetable that changed THREE times in one day, with dinner break down to 15 minutes. This was withdrawn after it was pointed out that this was illegal under Kazakhstan's very own Labour Laws.

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8. Trade Unions are illegal in these schools. Your KZ teaching colleagues who complain to management simply disappear from the workplace - sacked. Be warned. Take a visit to the 'Museum of Repression' in Shymkent. Another new wing should be opened.

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Museum of Repression, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

9. Management in the school works entirely on fear and an informal spy network. Kazakh  staff who inform, thrive and prosper within the school.  Be careful what you say to family and friends on WHATSAPP and SKYPE, as they are monitored by the internal KZ police, the KNB (during Soviet times, the KGB). They will make themselves known to you in bars and restaurants, as foreigners are a big curiosity. They are quite a friendly bunch - usually.

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Image result for mr bean spy

10. People are simply handed jobs with massive responsibility. Your Kazakh colleague may disappear out of your department.....and will appear as a new Vice Principal. Six months later - or sooner - they will be removed.

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11. Senior International posts within the school - craving for people with  good experience, academic ability, interpersonal skills and  mental stability - are awarded without advertising and without interviews, on a 'nudge nudge, wink wink'  (or 'nudge  nudge, drink drink') basis. Jennifer Mackenzie (now Wemyss), the current International Vice Principal at Shymkent NIS Biology and Chemistry school, was handed the job in June 2017. POOF !...that's magic ! 

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12. If you have a heavy alcohol drinking habit, you will thrive in this environment. The ex-pat management will love and welcome you. It will be an excuse for them to drink even more heavily.  Amongst these ex-pats I met some outstanding professionals, as well as habitual drunks, serial adulterers, back stabbers and penny pinching misery guts.

Kazakh pupils, and teachers,  confided regularly to me about certain International teachers reeking of alcohol in the morning. 

The Kazakh teachers proved themselves to be very shrewd judges of  International teachers. In private, they do not hold back on their views. 

Richard Evans, ex International Vice Principal, hic

Shymkent NIS Chemistry teacher, Mark Clarke, hic.

They enjoy MONDAY 

They enjoy TUESDAY a bit more

They slow down on WEDNESDAY


They love FRIDAY

And they party on SATURDAY AND SUNDAY

13. There is an inherent culture of tolerated exam cheating alien to teachers from Western educational systems. 

Image result for letting people cheat in exams

14. FINALLY, Kazakh banks are GANGSTERS !! Foreign workers earning good money are seen are targets. Your account will be a targeted by internal fraudsters. I will leave you to find out how and why. 

So....the choice is yours !!!

I had 2 interesting AND successful years from 2015 to 2017...and  was offered a third. I declined. 

Tuesday 21 November 2017

MASSIVE positive feedback from Kazakhstan

OVERWHELMING positive feedback the post ...Teaching at NIS schools in Kazakhstan - the GOOD and the BAD'.

Read what NIS Shymkent pupils think, in messages to me...I have had MANY such messages :

' Dear Mr Walter, we are writing you to support because me with my classmates fully support your statements, but want to stay anonymous, to feel secured, that's why this account is fake. We deeply apologise for the compatriots, and I believe that once in the future, we will change this country to the best. Best regards. '

The current Principal/Director Balkan Kassimov presenting me with an award

Visitor numbers to this website are now extremely high, especially from Kazakhstan and the UK.

Overall figures below...
Weekly viewing figures

Friday 20 October 2017

Teaching in Kazakhstan at NIS schools - the GOOD and BAD points

Welcome to teaching in NIS Kazakhstan !!!

Myself at the NIS Biology and Chemistry, Shymkent, South Kazakhstan

Based upon my personal experiences at NIS Shymkent, Biology and Chemistry, with the Principal/Director being Mr Balkan Kassimov, Vice Principal Dinara Akhmetova and the International Vice-Principal being Richard Evans and then Jennifer MacKenzie (married named Wemyss), the SUBSTANTIAL good points are as follows :

1. Your monthly pay will be between $ 4,000 and $ 5,000 per month, depending on your location in Kazakhstan. This is many times more than the Principal/Director of the school and THIRTEEN times more than your Kazakh classroom teacher colleagues.

2. You will have an apartment with all bills paid, including heating, electricity, WIFI and satellite TV.

3. I lived and worked in the southern city of Shymkent where living is very good and very cheap. I saved 95 % of my salary. It is much more expensive to live in the capital city Astana.

4. You will teach the best pupils BY FAR you will ever meet in your professional career, ANYWHERE in the World.

5. The Kazakh teaching colleagues you work with will be the most dedicated, hard working and professionally qualified people you will meet. They are treated ABYSMALLY by management.

6. If you make a genuine effort to embrace Kazakh culture, customs and people, you will be welcomed with open arms, and you will make friends for life.

7. Your contract states that your flights  to and from Kazakhstan will be re-imbursed....they are...eventually and USUALLY. BUT not always. Management will make you jump through many hoops to get YOUR money back. Why ? Because they can.

The MASSIVE bad points are :

1. The Kazakh school management REPEATEDLY publicly harangued International Teachers, in full staff meetings, about the 'huge' wages paid, asking why, and what value we were to the school. The school Principal/Director, Balkan Kassimov, did this repeatedly, in any language but English. What a guy ! It was a very, very poor reflection upon the people of Kazakhstan.

Balkan Kassimov- Director/Principal (Current)

2. To be re-imbursed flight monies you will often treated like a thief and liar. When you leave, they will 'lose' your reimbursement paperwork, after you return to your home country. This happened to all four International teachers when we left this NIS Shymkent school in June 2017. The International Vice-Principal, Jennifer Mackenzie (now Wemyss), and Vice Principal Dinara Akhmetova were responsible for this paperwork, and all jointly signed a letter demanding replacement paperwork that THEY lost ! Because they could !

Dinara Akhmetova- Vice Principal (Current)

Jennifer Mackenzie/Wemyss (Current International Vice Principal)

3. The NIS management/administration (Director/Principal Balkan Kassimov and Vice Principal Dinara Akhmetova especially) is the most power crazy, crack-pot, corrosive, vindictive, inept and counter-productive you will meet in any educational establishment anywhere. Their style is utterly immersed in the repressive past, with a 'modus operandi' which stymies and crushes individual talent, creativity and enthusiasm in the brilliantly professional Kazakh teachers. 

4. You will earn every cent of your £5,000 dollars per month, teaching pupils from 8.00 am until 5.00 pm (or later) five days per week. There will be pressure put upon you to come in to teach at weekends, outside contractual hours, and without pay.

5. The best NIS assets - the wonderfully talented and qualified Kazakh teachers - are queuing up to leave. They are driven to the exit door by a myopic, mean-spirited and manic management - a management who are simply much too inexperienced, and utterly devoid of the basic management skills needed in a cohesive,  collegiate, educational establishment.


6. You will receive minimal backup from your International Vice Principal. You are mostly on your own. They will hang you out to dry, when it suits them.

7. Get used to crackpot change, almost every day. You will NOT have a teaching timetable at the beginning of the term. It often changes daily, when you do get it. We had a timetable that changed THREE times in one day, with dinner break down to 15 minutes. This was withdrawn after it was pointed out that this was illegal under Kazakhstan's very own Labour Laws. Laurel and Hardy would have thrived here.

8. Trade Unions are illegal in these schools. Kazakh colleagues who complain to management simply disappear from the workplace - sacked. Be warned.

9. Management in the school works on fear and an informal spy network. Those who inform, thrive. 

10. People are simply handed jobs with massive responsibility. Your Kazakh colleague may disappear out of your department.....and will appear as a new Vice Principal. Six months later - or sooner - they will be removed.

11. Senior International posts within the school are awarded without advertising and without interviews of others. Jennifer Mackenzie (now Wemyss), the current International Vice Principal at Shymkent NIS Biology and Chemistry school, was handed the job in June 2017. POOF !  As if by magic ! 

12. If you have a heavy alcohol drinking habit, you will thrive in this environment. The ex-pat management will love and welcome you. 

13. There is an inherent culture of tolerated exam cheating alien to teachers from Western educational systems.

So....the choice is yours !!!

I had 2 interesting years from 2015 to 2017...I was offered a third, but declined. 

Friday 17 February 2017

Aisholpan the eagle huntress - an amazing girl 

Watch her story  on video!!! 

It will amaze you. 

Such bravery, knowledge and wisdom in one so young !!!

Monday 28 November 2016

Eastern Kazakhstan

The following nice time-lapse video about East Kazakhstan region and its capital city Ust-Kamenogorsk was made by Andrey Okhotenko. This region is located in the eastern part of Kazakhstan and borders on Russia and China.
More than 40% of all water resources of the country is concentrated here. It is a unique region from natural point of view because it has steppe, desert and mountain-taiga landscapes on its territory

Nomads - Eternal wanderers

In this short movie you can see some fragments of the Kazakh national game “Kokpar”. It was the training of mounted warriors that helped to improve fighting skills in a real fight.
The shooting took place in southern Kazakhstan, near the cities of Turkestan and Sauran. The latter was destroyed in the 14th century by the armies of Genghis Khan and Kokands. Sauran was the largest center of its time, with the water supply system, paved streets, architecture

The Charyn Canyon - near Almaty

The Charyn Canyon national park in Kazakhstan. (Чарынский каньон. Алматы Казахстан)

Charyn (Sharyn) Canyon is a wonderful natural monument built of sedimentary rocks, which age is about 12 million years.
It stretches for 154 km along the canyon of the Charyn River, 195 km east of Almaty, near the border with China. The canyon is part of the territory of Charyn National Park.
The Charyn Canyon is located in the Charyn National Park about 215km east of Almaty and approximately a 3 hour drive by car or 2 hour by motorbike